
Want a voice over? Skip the conventional process and logon to voyzapp

  • voice over
  • 29-Jan-2020
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Marketers these days understand that the human brain processes and retains the audio and visual information better than any text. Hence, organisation are going gaga over voice overs to increase the viewer’s trust and confidence towards their brand. To target the attention and resonate the message into the minds of the audience, marketing campaigns are now focussed on quality voice overs which help them to convince people to use or buy from their brand. The key element is to find the right voice over talent who can deliver the message in a conversational and professional manner by creating an emotional connect with the consumers. As the market of voice overs continues to grow, the demand for experienced and professional voice over artists all around the world has steadily increased.

The conventional way of finding professional artists is erratic and tiresome. As the casting process for voice talent is complicated, it hinders the right talent to showcase and reach out to a global platform. Amidst numerous middlemen and broken payment infrastructure, the voice over industry is a scattered domain which makes the process of finding the professional artists exhaustive! Voyzapp is rapidly emerging as a worldclass voice over agency in India with its online platform which skips the conventional process to create an awesome user experience. 

Voyzapp’s initial goal is to streamline the voice over industry and help the voice artists to get the right medium for showcasing their talent! Voyzapp is a platform hosting thousands of professional voice over artists working in multiple languages and different dialects from around the world. By striving to create a ‘voice-over marketplace’, Voyzapp aims to eliminate the need of following the conventional voice over service industry protocols. As the whole process is customised to the needs of the users, we are trying to serve an unmatched experience online to both artists as well as users.  

By enabling an “Escrow-payment” mechanism and a robust feedback mechanism, we have ensured a steady and safe method of transaction for the client and have also ensured that the artist is paid well for the job. Also you are free to review umpteen times until you are satisfied with the quality of the recorded output!

Want professional Hindi voice over services? Or your project demands an engaging radio voice over? Visit Voyzapp to get the voice of your choice at an unbelievable delivery time!


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