
Media Technology - How Is Technology Empowering The Media Industry

  • voice over
  • 05-Jul-2022
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We all know that the advancement of information technology has irrevocably altered how the world operates in several key sectors. Understanding IT's superior characteristics in processing, storing, searching, recreating, and transmitting data is critical. Because of the importance of information in the mass media culture, some individuals believe we have reached the "period of information" in human history.

On the other hand, this information era has been made possible by the widespread use of computers, which are fast becoming household appliances and crucial tools for everyone. Each movie or web series we see usually undergoes professional dubbing in multiple languages to ensure a wider audience reach. The process of dubbing is considerably enabled by technology, thus making this process faster and low cost.

The term "mass media" refers to media technologies developed to reach a broad audience through mass communication. These largely electronic media communicate information to their viewers via electrical means. In the same way, the print media disseminates information to a considerable number of individuals. Television, radio, the internet, and print media are examples of mass media we think we all are familiar with.

This blog aims to discuss the impact of technology on the media. So, let us get started!


IT has several ramifications for the media. These include technology advancements, shorter media production times, media content storage, citizen journalism, and advertising agencies' impact.

  1. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT - By inventing media technologies, IT has dramatically aided the development of mass media. As the Internet's importance in distributing news and information grows, mass communication academics and media organizations are increasingly focusing on the convergence of publishing, broadcasting, and digital communication. People can quickly download an entire musical album from a website and use it for a considerably cheaper charge, making it a less expensive alternative for these providers. Any seasoned voice actor uses technology to reinforce his/her voice and deliver a classy output. 
    Furthermore, the introduction of this new technology has enhanced and challenged the traditional concept of mass communication, where the source of a mass communication message was defined as a large organization whose message was sent to a large heterogeneous scattered audience according to the old definition.
  2. DECREASE IN OUTPUT TIME - It was not long before it became customary to spend a significant amount of time preparing a news bulletin, videos, or music. The situation is different since IT has developed several technologies that can perform the same tasks at precise times and in enormous volumes. You can also work with producers in other countries to release an album without going there. 
    Because of the introduction of mobile content, mass media can now obtain information from many individuals without physically attending a meeting. It has rendered time and space obsolete.
  3. CITIZENSHIP JOURNALISM - Citizenship journalism has become a force to be reckoned with due to technology. Citizens can participate in journalism by covering events and programmes and uploading them to the internet using multimedia devices such as mobile phones, Google cameras, and iPads. They also provide news and other events to major news organizations for broadcast. 
    Some people publish their work on the internet, which is rapidly expanding. They do this on personal blogs, vlogs, and online news sites, among other places. It would have been difficult for journalists to be everywhere at all times, but owing to technology, citizens can now take over the media's duty and be everywhere at all times.
  4. MECHANISM OF STORAGE - It was the best thing that ever happened to humankind when computers began to store information because cassettes, CDs, and other storage media could not store enormous amounts of data. Furthermore, the data they carried did not have a long shelf life. As a result, the media resorted to constructing vast rooms as libraries for its files. 
    The trend, however, has shifted. In any advanced mass media outlet, a modest room serving as a data centre can store a large amount of content, up to 30 terabytes at the very least.
    Previously, these massive amounts of data would have filled at least a five-bedroom residence. Furthermore, the availability of external hard drives and equivalent devices has increased the storage capacity of the medium. People can also record media content from the comfort of their own homes.
  5. IMPACT ON ADVERTISING AGENCY - Advertising companies have relied on information technology to boost their productivity because they can readily acquire information on their clients' customers through online research, produce their ads, and print hard copies of them, regardless of the size of the manuscript.
  6. CHEAPER TO BROADCAST - The low cost of IT gives resource-strapped and non-institutionalized organizations new ways to organize, coordinate, network, and publish or disseminate information. This has created a platform for businesses and individuals who do not have the financial resources to set up their own advertisements for their client's products and services on a website that customers can readily visit.
    In the age of globalization, an information system is one in which data is classified and processed. The findings are interpreted to produce an integrated data set for future communication and analysis.

By transmitting to a larger audience utilizing waves and optics, the mass media contributed to the evolution of human communication. On the other hand, media technology was required to make the transmission more straightforward and faster. IT was used to attach multimedia content to it. Media Technology is still being used to make mass media more interactive than it was previously; hence the impact of technology on the media cannot be overstated! Animation industry, for example, uses technology at such an extensive scale.

Voyzapp is world’s largest media marketplace hosting thousands of professional media stakeholders including actors, voice artists, singers, musicians, content writers and others. Voyzapp is democratizing the media industry by hosting all media stakeholders on one unified platform and simplifying the media production process.

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