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  • icon New Delhi, India


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Sample Voices
  • English - India
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  • Podcast
  • Hindi
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Review And Ratings


check the time stamps 00:00:01.546 00:00:03.947 00:00:06.392 00:00:08.923 00:00:16.789 now the reason the I'm pointing out these mistakes are because there is no headroom in that audio file for me to work, and of course the file given to me is at a peak of 0.0db I would still work on these audio, But if this recording is done professionally I wouldn't have to give a poor review. please make sure recorded audio or input should have -12 to -6 db and give a good Head room of -6 db for the engineer to process and mix. I'm unhappy with the results.

Voice Ages

child (5-12), Teen (13-17), Adult (18-34)


Hindi - Hinglish, Hindi - North India, English - India


Narrator, Instructor, Spokesperson, Announcer, Host, Storyteller, Child, Characters, Demonstrator, Farmer, Banker, Action Star, Boss, Business Executive, Doctor, Gangster, Kid, Lawyer, Motivational speaker, Scientist, Professor, Robot, Salesperson, Student, Teacher, Teenager, Tourist, TV Host, Wizard, Zombie


Conversational, Friendly, Professional, Angry, Animated, Authoritative, Calm, Emotional, Excited, Exhausted, Happy, Humourous, Inspirational, Monotonous, Mysterious, Qwirky, Robotic, Warm, Child-like, Aggressive, Amusing, Annoying, Approachable, Attentive, Awkward, Believable, Bold, Bossy, Brave, Bubbly, Caring, Cartoon, Casual, Comforting, Commanding, Concerned, Confused, Dangerous, Deep, Defeated, Demonic, Educational, Energetic, Engaging, Evil, Exotic, Fast Paced, Frightened, Funny, Heroic, High Energy, High Pitched, Hysterical, Informative, Intimidating, Low Pitched, Mature, Melodramatic, Mischievous, Natural, Panicky, Persuasive, Political, Reassuring, Relatable, Relaxed, Retro, Romantic, Royal, Sad, Sarcastic, Scary, Scientific, Serious, Shy, Sick, Sincere, Submissive, Sympathetic, Technical, Terrified, Thoughtful, Timid, Tired, Uncomfortable, Worried

Services Offered

Voice Over, Dubbing, Video Editing

Availability (Days)

Available all Days

Availability (Time)

Available at any time